Killed by design: Consequences of Poor UX & How to Do Better
Yes, the title of this article has drama written all over it. I mean, everybody likes drama, right? And no, the following lines are not about the near-term future where terminators terminate and some people even teleport naked. In fact, the examples we will be describing here might come off as a bit more surreal.
All set, right? Or maybe just that one other thing you might be thinking, which is: “What the hell is UX anyway?” Well, I’m glad you asked:
User Experience design represents the quality of an experience you have when interacting with a certain product, be it physical or digital. When done well, it becomes invisible to your users. It also becomes delightful and - most importantly - helpful. Conversely, when executed poorly, it sticks out like a fox in the hen house. Not good for your users, definitely not good for hens. Especially if you own the hens. In the best case scenario, bad design will “only” frustrate and anger your users - no big deal, right? But what happens when it becomes so bad that it can virtually kill?