A guide to the client-agency relationship while building a website
Congratulations! You’ve decided to redesign your website. You fought for it all the way to the top of your company's ranks. You defended the allocated budget with all your inner beastliness. You stood tall through all 5-rounds of the agency selection process, and now it is all done. This is happening. All you need to do now is build it with your selected agency partners. Tip-top. Done.
Truth is, this was just a warm-up. Questions from the agency start coming in at a dizzying rate, and your 0-inbox policy now looks like a distant memory. You discover that a ton of material you need to prepare and gather would actually be a mountain even Diana Ross would find high enough. But you expected that. The worst thing is – you have a crystal-clear idea of every inch of your new web, but somehow, you can’t get your agency to produce a carbon copy of your thoughts.
We've been helping businesses like yours for the last 20 years, and we are keen to help you too. Is this guide a sales pitch? It’s more of a “we’d like you to get as much value from your next business relationship” kind of plea. Every business benefits from efficient relationships. We also think it’s Human.
So we made this overview. And yes - this one is just an overview. Waiting to become a series because boy oh boy do we have a treat for you. Yes, the process we will now try to shortly explain is everything but short. And most of the time - it’s not simple. So, in the future, you can expect an entire series covering each of this blog’s parts in more detail and with relevant examples based on exact projects. Because - #GoHardOrGoHome.